Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pumpkin Carving!

B and I carved pumpkins today. I absolutely loved it. I haven't carved pumpkins for a long least since I went to college 8 years ago. B even told me that he had fun...and he isn't the biggest fan of Halloween (he doesn't like the scary ghoulish type things...neither do I).

Pumpkin carving when I was little was always a lot of fun. Every year, I had my dad carve me almost the exact same pumpkin. It had to have heart eyes, a triangle nose, and then whatever I drew for a mouth (typically some weird tooth filled grin). As we were drawing our pumpkin faces and my dad was carving them, my mom would take the seeds and bake them so we could munch on them later. It was a family I looked forward to every year, and one that sometimes got overlooked once I started skating, and once our family got busier. I loved pumpkin carving. I hope if B and I have kids that we will always remember how much fun pumpkin carving can be, even when our lives get busier.

I am glad we have a home now where we can carve and display our creations! This is the first time I have ever made a pumpkin that doesn't have a face. I tried to go the more artistic route this time (and will admit I had some help...I'm not that artistic!)

B and his pumpkin...a Headless Horseman

Me and my pumpkin...harder to see because it took me much longer then B...but mine is a bat

Our two finished pumpkins, proudly displayed :)


Anonymous said...

Whoa!!! Amazing!

Pennies In My Pocket said...

Holy schmoly! Those are amazing! All I'm talented enough to do is paint a happy face on a pumpkin! LOL

Thanks for coming by on Friday when I was featured on SITS! I just got back in town and having a blast visiting everyone who stopped in! LOVE your blog!


Aleta said...

No way! You made those? Woah! I'm impressed!!

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