Thursday, January 29, 2009

Roughin It

I wrote my last post early in the morning yesterday...before I went to bed actually. Little did I know what I would wake up to in the morning...

We had ice...everywhere. Look at how our White Pine looks. Totally sagging under the weight. For several hours it iced. So bad that there was a Level 3 and everything everywhere was closed. And, the ice was so bad it downed several trees...which means our power went out at 5:30am. It didn't come back on until 6:30pm. It was a long day. After the ice, it snowed. It did make for some beautiful pictures though.

A tree in our front yard.There was so much weight on the pine tree, the branches couldn't hold it and came down on the wolfdog kennel.

Land near our property.
More of the land near our property.

I must admit I'm ready for the snow to be gone. Icicles fell and hit me in the head...and I haven't really been able to go anywhere for 3 days. I'm ready to get out and move around. I'm ready for warm weather and sunshine and hiking. 2 more months of winter though...


Mama Wheaton said...

So I keep telling you I want to be where you are but not today or yesterday, I have one more month of winter, so how about I come visit in June?

Kristen said...

Ice is bad but it sure is pretty in a picture.
I still want to come live with ya'll.
There is just 3 of us (Mr. C, me, and Sam). We are hard workers!

FROGGITY! said...

WOW! crazy. i thought i was cold today... nowhere near this! keep warm!

ann ominous said...

*sigh* i'm so ready for winter to be over. it took me 2 hours to get to work again today...and a campus bus drove through a slush puddle and the splash is all over my pants....

not my day

Aleta said...

What beautiful pictures! I would be getting cabin fever as well, but still.... I'd love to be there and see those sites! We're already starting into "spring weather." Winter has come and gone.

Karol said...

Stopping by from SITS..

I knew you must have been from Ohio! We had snow days the past 2 days! I'm glad to see my 6yr old back to school today! (it's been crazy here!) Good luck with the snow! I can't wait for spring!

Kristen said...

JD and MS showed me how to quilt several years ago and I love it. I'm their daughters age and I love to hang out with them. (not their daughter together but they each have a daughter my age)

I think we are done with snow this season but it has surprised us before with a ice storm in March. We'll see.

Kristen said...

It all looks so beautiful. We definitely know the power and danger of ice storms here in my state. We tend to get them more than we get actual snow. I think your picture from Wed. of Kaos on the little house is so funny!

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