I've actually been pretty proud of my work on the treadmill so far. I've always been one to push myself even when I'm struggling while exercising, so I've been able to start at and stick with about 30 minutes 3 times a week. I'd like to get it up to at least 5 times a week, but circumstances make it hard. There is a part of me that would really like to do another marathon. To try and finish one when I am healthy for once (the first time my running partner was hurt so we didn't train as best we could have and the second time I got a cold the day before we ran). To give me something to work towards as I right now I am struggling to find meaning in my life...I just need something to occupy my time besides chores and cleaning...to feel a sense of accomplishment...
So, I guess I'll have to keep at it. I've started several times to try and get back into it and I've succeeded for about 2 months...always getting back up to about 6 miles or so and then sputtering out when life gets busy. I'll have to let you know how I'm doing.
A treadmill is definitely on my list of must-haves in the coming year. Good luck with it!
Go girl! A treadmill is a wonderful thing. A marathon would be awesome!
Treadmills are handy. It's nice not to leave the house to exercise. You're doing more than me, which is nothing....yikes!
Will you do my running for me? I hate to run and need to do something for cardio.
Have you ever tried a Chiropractor? I adjust a lot of ankles and get mine adjusted regularly as well. When my back goes out it affects my feet, and if my feet are out it affects my back... so I just get it all maintained.
I believe I read that you had an injury to it?? So it may be chronic, but if you haven't tried Chiropractic, I would love for you to consider it. It is a wonderfully safe way of preventing future injuries and aches and pains!
Not a fan of treadmills personally, because I like to get outside and do exercise, but I can certainly see the appeal! There's something nice about being all cosy and warm in your house that makes exercise so much more pleasant.
I never do any of that kind of exercise. And I've never been in a gym in my life. I have so much work to do on the farm, I couldn't possibly do anything more physically! If I feel like I'm gaining a few pounds, I just go out there and do something extra like clear rocks from the field or pick up all the sticks for my kindling pile. Of course there's always horse riding.
I heard those treadmills are good for the butt though!
Oh I need one of those for these winter months when the sidewalks are full of ice....
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